The National Oceans and Coastal Information Management System (OCIMS) was developed by the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) in partnership with the CSIR, SAEON and SAWS through Operation Phakisa

Decision support tools for the effective governance of South Africa’s oceans and coasts

Click on the links below in order to access the tools directly or click on the pictures to learn more

Operational Tools

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Fisheries and Aquaculture Support

A satellite remote-sensing product showing where algal blooms are occurring.

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Coastal Operations at Sea

Use of ocean models and sea state parameters.

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Integrated Vessel Tracking

This tool is access controlled. Please contact us if you would like to discuss further.

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EO for Water Quality

Using earth observations (EO) to determine water quality

Static Tools

Coastal Viewer

View marine and coastal spatial data from various custodians and perform basic spatial queries.

Contact us to contribute data.

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Marine Spatial Planning

Decision Support Tool for Marine Spatial Planning activities in terms of the Marine Spatial Planning Act (Act no. 16 of 2018).

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Coastal Flood Hazard

Bathtub-based flood model allowing users to incrementally 'drown your town', which is useful for risk scenario planning.

Data related initiatives

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Marine Information Management System (MIMS)

MIMS is an archival data repository for marine and coastal data.

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Avian Influenza Reporting Dashboard

The dashboard provides visualisation of the data captured via the data capture tool.

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Water quality sampling dashboard

Water quality results from a point-source sampling initiative. To contribute to this initiative, please contact us.

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